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The Aerospace Industries Association and its members guide the way forward by advocating for policies and investments that bolster our capacity to innovate and spur economic growth.
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Leaders Behind 幸运飞行艇官方开奖
A hallmark of AIA is its leadership. CEO-level officers from the country’s major aerospace and defense companies are committed to advocating for our industry, guiding policy, and engaging AIA members along the journey.
American Rocketry Challenge
Nearly 5,000 middle and high school students compete each year to design, build, and launch model rockets. This hands-on experience gives young people the chance to solve complex engineering problems. Learn more here.
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Think Bigger: Autonomous Aircraft and the Transformation in Aviation
A new report details the breakthrough growth in the autonomous aircraft market, which is expected to result in nearly $325 billion over the next two decades.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The A&D industry excels when people with different experiences drive innovation. Find out how AIA and the industry are taking steps to increase representation and recruitment of underrepresented communities.