Arlington, Va. – Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) President and CEO Eric Fanning today made the following statement after the House Appropriations Committee released its draft fiscal year FY25 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies funding bill:
“With demand higher than ever, now is the time to make bold investments to enhance aviation safety and unleash the technology that will fundamentally change the way we travel. The Aerospace Industries Association supports the House Appropriations Committee chairman’s mark for Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, and encourages the committee to advance this bill to the House floor,” Fanning said.
“Critically, this year’s bill reflects AIA priorities to protect the FAA’s status as the gold standard for aviation safety and enable the expansion of commercial space flight. AIA thanks subcommittee Chairman Womack and Ranking Member Quigley, as well as Chairman Cole and Ranking Member DeLauro, for their hard work in producing a bipartisan bill that will take the aerospace industry to new heights.”